One of the most basic power tools is a drill. It is used to either turn a screw or drill through some material using a bit. Some powerful drills may even be used to power other equipment. Every homeowner should have a drill around to use for any small home repairs.
Drills have different powers and speeds, and while some are corded, others work from batteries. Drills are also made by a wide variety of brands, and all this makes for a very wide selection. It is not very easy to pick the right model from this variety, so we decided to help potential buyers and compile a list of 8 best drills, among which we have 5 drills and 3 hammer drills. All of them have a good ratio of price and quality, and all do their job well.
This light, compact model is designed to fit into tight spaces and is powered by a 300 watt motor. This power is enough to complete many different tasks, making the drill a universal model for just about anything.
The transmission has two speeds – 450 and 1500 rpms. This gives it a wide range of drilling and fastening abilities. The sleeve is ½ inch in diameter and the chuck has decent grip strength.
The soft ergonomic handle allows you to hold the tool in a variety of positions and use it for drilling in confined spaces. The handle’s width is just 1.9 inches. The model itself weighs a little less than 4 pounds.
The battery’s voltage is 18 volts at strength of 1.3 amperes.
The model arrives with two batteries
- The very bright LED light assists in work, especially in dark, tight spaces
- The model arrives with two batteries, so you can swap them easily
- The power is plenty enough for any purpose
- The battery charger sometimes glitches and does not charge fully
This model is powerful enough to drill through wood, plastic and even metals. The soft handle makes the grip much better and assists with holding the drill at unusual angles. The battery is especially good – it holds a charge for up to a year and a half. The model comes with 30 different accessories, among which you will find drill bits, screw bits and nut drives.
The model is shipped with one battery that gives 20 volts. The model has one speed – 650 RPMs, and that is just enough for most screwing and drilling jobs.
The chuck size is 3/8 inch. The model is also shipped with a magnetic bit holder, which can be used with any bits of the needed size.
- Excellent battery life – lasts a very long time, even when doing heavy work
- Very powerful torque – much better than most drills of this size
- Very light and easy to control while working
- Arrives with only one battery
This model comes with an assortment of accessories – two batteries, a carry bag, an assortment of bits and heads and a charger. The drill itself is extremely small and easy to handle. It is meant to be used in small, confined spaces. That makes it a great drill for people who have to work between walls, like plumbers or electricians.
The model has surprisingly high torque and can even drill through metal. However it is more commonly used on drywall or wood. The model has two speeds – 350 and 1300 RPM. The torque can be manually adjusted.
The 12 volt battery provides enough power for most jobs, and as there are two batteries, you can work for extended amounts of time.
The drill trigger allows for precise control of speed and torque. The LEDs on the drill’s body allow you to light up places where you have to work in the dark. This, again, increases the drill’s usefulness for plumbers and electricians
- Arrives with a full set of drill bits and two batteries
- The compact size and ergonomic grip make the drill best for working in tight spaces
- Perfect control over the grip, torque and speed
- Hard to get the battery out
The brand is well known for their everlasting batteries that are guaranteed to keep their full power for over 1000 cycles. The battery also does not have memory effect, meaning it will always have the same maximum amount of electricity stored.
This drill can also function as an impact drill. It has a high torque of 330 in/lb and this allows it to easily cut through wood, metal and plastic. Nonetheless, it weighs only 2.2 pounds, so it will not make you tired. The built in LED allows easy work in spaces with low light.
The drill ships with a 46-piece set of bits. Everything comes in a comfortable carry bag. Also a battery and a charger are shipped.
- The battery – it lasts a long time and also does not have memory effect
- Powerful torque – even hard alloys are not a problem for this drill
- Comes with a large assortment of bits and heads
- Comes with a very short instruction manual. However the drill is so simple, that you do not really need one
This model is marked by the presence of a USB port on its battery pack, so it can be used to charge phones. The battery also has an indicator that shows the amount of charge left. The 20 volt 1.5 Ampere battery has a long lifespan and gives enough power for cutting through metal or ceramic.
The model has 15 torque settings, the highest of which can cut through a steel plate 1 cm thick.
The ergonomic handle and overall shape of the drill allows the user to work without fatigue. Most tasks with this drill are very easy, and the rubberized handle nullifies most vibration.
The speed is variable – from 0 to 550 RPMs. The electric brake allows the drill to stop immediately.
The LED is bright enough to illuminate the work area perfectly. This assists in working between walls.
10 drill bits and 10 drivers come with the drill.
- Very affordable, considering that it comes with a box of bits and drivers
- Moderately powerful, and good enough for any purpose.
- Very light and easy to maneuver
- The battery charger sometimes fails after a year